Pollock Arts Initiative

Expanding Arts Education Opportunities

The Pollock Arts Initiative (formerly known as the Vanessa Pollock Music Initiative) helps underwrite instrument and arts equipment rentals at the elementary and middle school levels to eliminate financial barriers to student participation in arts programming, supplements Achieve Foundation funding of teacher grant requests for arts-related projects, and may be used to help maintain the district’s inventory of musical instruments and other arts-related equipment and supplies.

Through the Initiative, scholarship awards for advanced training may be offered to Columbia High School students who demonstrate exceptional talent and are recommended by SOMSD music and arts department faculty. Awards are tailored to students’ specific needs for private instruction, classes and/or professional quality instruments/art equipment.

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Join us Saturday, November 23, 2024 at The Woodland. Hear four awesome local bands, grab an adult beverage, purchase some grub from local food trucks — and help raise some $$ for Achieve’s Pollock Arts Initiative!

Get your tix today.

Charlie & Vanessa Pollock established the Vanessa Pollock Music initiative (VPMI) with the Achieve Foundation in early 2015. In June of 2024, the scope of the program was broadened to include all visual and performing arts.

Pollock Arts Initiative by the Numbers


Scholarships awarded through fall of 2024


Instrument rentals funded 2015-2024

The [PAI] provided me with an amazing opportunity to receive a professional clarinet, and has aided me greatly in my musical pursuits.

Theo A,  Pollock Arts Initiative Scholarship Recipient

The VPMI completely altered [my daughter’s] path by providing an opportunity to develop musically in a way we could never have supported without this award.

Kim, Parent of VPMI Scholarship Recipient

My sincere thanks to everyone associated with VPMI for this tremendous support. Thank you for making such a difference in the lives of these young musicians – we are all truly blessed beyond words.

P Bauer, CHS Band Director

This is SO exciting! We were thrilled to share the news with him! Appreciate all you and the VPMI does for the SOMSD community! It’s music to our ears.

J&P, Parents of VPMI Scholarship Recipient

Winning the Vanessa Pollock Music Initiative award was the first major recognition of my dedication to music. With this award, I was able to improve my sight reading and playing through professional lessons. I will use this experience as momentum to kick off my college journey. Thank You Vanessa Pollock, Achieve Foundation and Mr. Bauer.

Matt, VPMI Scholarship Recipient

Achieve’s music scholarships have opened the door to so much more than voice lessons. I have gained new skills, opportunities, self-esteem, and a teacher who has been a mentor for growing into the adult world.

Scott, VPMI Scholarship Recipient